LinQ-View: Joint analysis for multi-modal data Wilson Lab The University of Chicago

Installation Instructions


  • Install R, version 3.4 or greater
  • (Optional) Highly recommend install RStudio
  • Install LinQ-View from github
  • if (!require("devtools")) {install.packages("devtools")}

    devtools::install_github("WilsonImmunologyLab/LinQView",dependencies = TRUE)

    Potential installation issue with R 4.0

    Because this package developed some C++ codes with Rcpp library, R 4.0 users may have installation issues with this package. The error message usually be:

    fatal error: 'math.h' file not found

    For Windows RStudio users, we suggest you switch back to R 3.6.

    For Mac RStudio users, we highly recommand a tool RSwitch that allows you to keep multiple R version and switch among them.


Most of dependencies can be installed when install LinQ-View, some packages may need to be installed seprately. Users can copy the all-in-one command collections below:

    if(!require("Seurat")) install.packages("Seurat")

    if(!require("dplyr")) install.packages("dplyr")

    if(!require("ggplot2")) install.packages("ggplot2")

    if(!require("cowplot")) install.packages("cowplot")

    if(!require("FastKNN")) install.packages("FastKNN")

    if(!require("reshape2")) install.packages("reshape2")

    if(!require("umap")) install.packages("umap")

    if(!require("igraph")) install.packages("igraph")

    if(!require("emstreeR")) install.packages("emstreeR")

    if(!require("scales")) install.packages("scales")

    if(!require("Rtsne")) install.packages("Rtsne")

    if(!require("Rcpp")) install.packages("Rcpp")

    if(!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse")


Click to show a detailed list of all dependencies and installation tips.